This workshop is held on Microsoft Teams on Thursday 19th September 2024 12-1pm.

Fussy eating is a common issue facing many families. As part of our Healthy Little Foodies project, we offer online fussy eaters' workshops to support parents and carers with practical tips and evidence-based tools and approaches on managing fussy eating behaviours. This short workshop aims to improve confidence to support families struggling with fussy eating behaviours.


Places on our sessions are currently FREE.

Who is it suitable for?

The session is open to all parents and carers.

Fussy eating behaviours are developmentally very normal, but if you're a parent and/or carer with a child between 1 and 6 years old and if one or more of these applies, then this workshop is for you:

  • You often find mealtimes stressful/challenging/emotional for you and/or your child
  • You are noticing your child’s diet becoming very restricted and you would like to increase the variety of foods they eat
  • You think your child has an issue with certain textures or types of food
  • Your child had a bad experience with food and since then they’ve had problems at mealtimes
  • Mealtimes are often either very long or very short
  • You are concerned about your child’s long-term health or relationship with food
  • You would like to know how to prevent fussy eating behaviours starting.

If your child is a bit older, you are still welcome to join, and we hope you still find lots of helpful tips for managing mealtimes.

Topics covered are:                                                             

  • Why do children develop fussy eating behaviours?
  • Planning for a positive mealtime – what can I do in advance?
  • Control and choice – getting the balance right.
  • At the table – techniques to use during mealtimes.
  • Appetite and portion sizes
  • Talking about food – how our language plays a part.
  • Early years nutrition


“Really useful workshop from a very knowledgeable trainer.” 

“Excellent presentation I feel more knowledgeable and confident.” 

"Thought the session was great, full of information and ways of helping which I will be giving a try tonight."

If you have any questions or queries about this course, contact Sema at:

[email protected] or 0131 467 7326

Book a place

Ticket Quantity Price

Fussy Eating Workshop for Families

Decrease Increase £0.00