Please help us to help those who need it most. Small donations can make a big difference to people's lives. Your donations go towards providing essential household and food items to those unable to access them either. Household items are supplied in kind and nourishing food is offered at a discounted dignity price or as an emergency food parcel when someone needs it most.

Despite its relative affluence Edinburgh has many areas of deprivation appearing in the 20 most deprived areas in the country, with around 20% of children living in poverty. Analysis shows a significant increase in severe poverty across 2023-2024, blighting health, aspirations and lives, and falling disproportionately on the youngest. 91% of those surveyed stated that it was “very important” to tackle poverty in Edinburgh.

We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of individuals who want to help make a difference in these increasingly difficult times and we would like to assure you that this will greatly benefit those in most need across our communities in Edinburgh.

Thank you so much, from all the staff at Edinburgh Community Food.
