Brenda joined Edinburgh Community Food in Autumn 2019, shortly before the first UK COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020.  Rather than furlough staff and close the shutters, she engaged with local communities, the City Council, and Scottish Government, resulting in the company becoming a lead organisation in provision of emergency support to those in desperate need of food across Edinburgh, throughout the pandemic and beyond.  This action cemented her reputation as a key member of Edinburgh’s – and Scotland’s – community food programmes and community networks.  
She is a founding director of Glasgow Community Food Network and a Healthcare Professions Council Registered Dietitian with a REHIS Diploma in Advanced Food Hygiene.  She is a trustee of Edinburgh Community Health Forum and recently received an Outstanding Achievement award from The Master Chefs of Great Britain.
Brenda sits on the Scottish Government’s food network and advisory boards and is a leading figure in advocating the development of equitable and sustainable food systems.  She heads the team that developed the new Edinburgh Food Network, ‘Menu for All - Joining Food and Support Access Edinburgh’, with the aim of ‘Ending Poverty-Related Hunger in Edinburgh’. 
Earlier in 2024, Brenda won a coveted Churchill Fellowship award to research improving health outcomes for food-secure young mothers and children.  Over the next year, she will collaborate with leading experts in countries such as Canada, Switzerland, Colombia and Italy, using what she learns to introduce new - and improve existing - programmes in Scotland.  This is an exciting and valuable opportunity.
Brenda worked in the commercial retail sector for 25 years before retraining in nutrition and dietetics at Glasgow Caledonian University, subsequently working in NHS acute services, homelessness charity Emmaus, and the Community Football Foundation Erasmus project. She has specific experience and knowledge in supporting nutritionally vulnerable groups in homelessness, addictions, food poverty and health inequality.